What’s New at Enervise?
HVAC System Upgrades: What is the Payback Period?
HVAC and Building Controls upgrades are a fact of life. At some point, your building’s equipment is going to reach the end of its financially feasible lifespan, and it is going to make more sense to upgrade than to continue maintaining an ever more costly, ever less efficient system.
Read MoreRecent Blog and Content News Articles
How Commercial Building Owners Can Evaluate HVAC Systems, Building Controls and Other Energy Efficiency Improvements
As the owner of a commercial building, you know that energy efficiency improvements to HVAC systems, building controls, and other features are essential.
How Good is “Good Enough” When You’re a Facilities Manager
Being the facilities manager for a commercial property definitely has its challenges. You face demands from every side.
Is Your Building Better Than Your Competition? Why Would Lessees Choose to Lease From You?
If you’re a commercial business owner in Greater Cincinnati, Northern Kentucky or elsewhere, you’re well aware of the challenges and expenses involved in attracting tenants.
Procurement Strategy: How Can You Make Capital Equipment Procurement Choices that Make Sense for Your Building?
As the Procurement Officer of a commercial building, you’re responsible for purchases that meet your company’s needs without busting the budget.
Evaluating HVAC Upgrade Proposals: Which Plan Makes the Most Sense to Avoid Unnecessary Utility Expenses?
If you’re the owner of a commercial building or an industrial facility, the ultimate decisions about upgrading systems such as your buildings HVAC equipment usually end up on your desk.
Is Your Building Giving You a Competitive Edge—Or Holding You Back?
If you own a commercial property, your building can either be a great asset, or a ball-and-chain that limits your ability to succeed.
How Can I Take Advantage of Tax and Utility Rebate Incentives to Fund Building Projects
As a commercial building owner you know that maintaining your building’s operations can be a significant financial burden.
Did You Know You Can Rent a Boiler or Chiller to Cover an Immediate Need?
When the unthinkable happens and the central boiler or chiller in your facility goes out unexpectedly, you know where all eyes immediately turn: to you—the facilities manager.
Plans for Educational Facilities to Ensure Comfort, Security and a Good Learning Environment for Students
When the public thinks about schools, colleges and universities (whether it’s a K-12 school or a major university), they tend to think about books, teachers, support staff and activities.
You May Be Paying Too Much in Taxes—Are You Aware of the IRS Code That Could Save You Thousands?
As a commercial building owner, you may find yourself between a rock and a hard place: you want to maintain a building that offers a comfortable and safe working environment for your tenants,
Evaluating Commercial HVAC Repair vs. Replacement Proposals: Which Plan Makes the Most Sense?
Evaluating repair and replacement proposals for a facility you manage is a daunting task.
New Trend Balances Plans (HVAC, Controls, Utilities) With Campus Master Plans for Improved Control and Efficiency
As a facilities manager, you’re probably tasked with making sure the HVAC systems serving your campus consistently deliver
Can Legionella Affect your Healthcare Facility?
Here are 8 questions put out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that can help you assess your vulnerability
How to Make Healthcare Facilities Improvement Decisions Based on Data Rather Than Gut Feelings
If you own or manage a healthcare facility, you want to make infrastructure decisions based on data rather than on gut feelings.
Discover the New Trend for Operating Your Building or Facility from Smart Controls that also Secure and Access Your Building
The New Trend Changing the Way We Control? As a facilities manager you don’t deal with just one set of demands when it comes to meeting the needs of your building’s occupants.
Fall-to-Winter Boiler Safety and Maintenance Tips
Facilities Managers for commercial or industrial buildings seem to get overlooked in that process, but the need is every bit as great to take care of your HVAC systems.
Are You Following the New Building Standard of Access Control—Where Power is Only On When Someone’s In Your Building?
As the facilities manager for a building you sometimes get caught in the unenviable position of having to balance the highest standards of security and access control with the pressure to keep utilities costs down.
How to Fund Building Improvements with “Other Peoples’ Money”
Every owner of a commercial, industrial, or educational facility knows ongoing improvement to facilities is essential in order to achieve the best results.